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Old 07-03-2012, 08:43 AM   #12

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So basically, the shafi authorities considered building on private lands makruh and on public land, it is haram as I stated also? So what is the problem? The Shabaab haven't destroyed shrines on private land so...

Its more than that..there is also disticntion between lay people from that of Ambiya, ulema and saliheen. Besides, tombs they destroyed werent in public graveyards. So both ways they are wrong. And finally destruction if any is carried by authorites and not something these bandits hhave right too do on their own. So on 3 counts they are in falsehood. And reality is that they dont care what the madhab says. TThey never cared except when it suites their wahhabism. They are just another mutation of la madhabi wahhabism.
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