Is Algeria still a Muslim country?
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07-02-2012, 02:40 PM
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Oct 2005
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1959 : National Liberation Front (FLN) had killed 123 settlers of French origin. In retaliation, the French army and pieds-noirs gangs killed as many as 12,000 Algerians.
Yasmine was just a schoolgirl with a beautiful face and long black curls, living in the Belcourt district of the capital. Joined FLN to convey messages.
Lost both legs in trying to plant a bomb.
Spent two years in jail.
American doctors spent $60,000 of personal money for her prosthetic legs.
1962, Algeria is independent. Yasmine is not there to witness it.
"But the following year, sitting in my chair beside the president as he raised the Algerian flag, I just cried and cried," she remembers. "I was so happy." Then there is some BBC/western romance.
That her first thoughts were about not swimming and not dancing.
May be these were her thought but who is BBC to peep into what women are doing - particularly Muslim women?
Fifty years on Algeria has, in some ways, disappointed the aspirations of the people who fought for its independence from France. They dreamed of building a just, democratic and peaceful state. Oh yeah! The compulsory western gig. The strange thing is that her final statement is:
"It was what God wanted me to do, I have no regrets." Now if a Muslimah is trying to get connected with her God then why is BBC trying to connect it with democracy and their own sense of justice?
When you talk to a Muslim just assume that he or she takes Islam as legitimate, even if you do not.
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