I found this here, it's useful and it contains the narration our brother posted above by ibn 'Umar (ra): Many Muslims are ignorant when it comes to the status and high level of Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan –Radia Allahu Anhu-. They do injustice to him because of the fitnah that occurred between him and Ameer-ul-Momineen and the rightly guided Khalif Ali Ibn Abi Talib –Radia Allahu Anhu-. Mauwiya did not want Khilafa nor did he object to the Imamate of Ali Ibn Abi Talib –Radia Allahu anhu-, rather he demanded retaliation against the killers of Uthman –Radia Allahu Anhu- and subsequently that they be handed over to him, and then he would pay allegiance to Ali –radia Allahu Anhu-. In this matter, truth was with Ali –Radia Allahu Anhu- as Ahlul Sunnah unanimously believe. Ibn Asaker narrated that Abu Muslim Al-Khawlani came along with other men to Muwaiya – Radia Allahu Anhu- and said: " Do you compete with Ali or are you his like? He said: No! By Allah I know that he is better than me and has more right to rule than me. But do you not know that Uthman was killed unjustly, and I am his cousin and I am the one who demands his blood so go to him and ask him to hand over to me the murderers of Uthman and I will leave this matter to him. So they came to Ali – Radia Allahi Anhu- and talked to him, but he did not hand them over." Ibn Katheer related from Jareer Ibn Abdul Hameed from Mugheera: “ When the news of the murder of Ali reached Muawiya he cried. His wife said: Why do you cry when you have fought against him? He said: Woe to you ! You do not realize what the people have lost of merit, feqh and knowledge (i.e by Ali’s –Radia Allahu Anhu- death)” Imam Ahmad narrated from Al-Erbadh Ibn Sariya –Radia Allahu Anu-: I heard the Messenger of Allah –sala Allahu Alyhi Wa Salaam- say: O Allah! Teach Muawiya the Book and protect him from The Punishment” And in Sunan Al-Tirmithi through a Saheeh chain from the narration of Abdul Rahman Ibn Umaiyra that the Prophet –Sala Allahu Alyhi Wa salaam- said: “ O Allah! Make him a guide and guide him and guide by him” From Ibn Abbas: “Abu Sufyan said to the Prophet : Give me three. He said: Yes.” In that hadith it says: “And Muawiya! Let him to be a scribe in your presence. He said: Yes” – narrated by Muslim. Ibn Asaker said: “ The most authentic tradition narrated about Mauwiya’s merit is the hadith of Abu Jamrah from Ibn Abbas that he was the scribe of the Prophet ” – related by Ibn Katheer in Al-Bidaya wal Nihaya. He –Radia Allahu Anhu- was praised by many companions and Tabeein, and they testified to him being religious and knowledgable, just and patient, and also other good attributes. When Umar Ibn Al-Khattab –radia Allahu anhu- made him governor over Syria he said: “Only say good things about Muawiya” It is narrated that when Ali –Radia Allahu Anhu- came make from Siffin he said: “ O People! Do not dislike the rule of Muawiya , for if you lose him you will see heads falling of the shoulders as if it is Khandhal” Narrated Ibn Umar said: “I have not seen a better leader after the Prophet than Muawiya. It was said: Not even your father. He said: My father is better than Muawiya , but Muawiya is a better leader than him” Ibn Abbas –Radia Allahu Anhu- said: “I have not seen a man who is more fit to be a king than Muawiya” In Sahih Al-Bukhari: Volume 5, Book 57, Number 108: Narrated Ibn Abu Mulaika: Muawiya offered one Rak'a Witr prayer after the 'Isha prayer, and at that time a freed slave of Ibn 'Abbas was present. He (i.e. the slave) went to Ibn 'Abbas (and told him that Muawiya offered one Rak'a Witr prayer). Ibn Abbas said: Leave him, for he was in the company of Allah's Prophet. Volume 5, Book 57, Number 109: Narrated Ibn Abi Mulaika: Somebody said to Ibn 'Abbas, "Can you speak to the chief of the believers Muawiya, as he does not pray except one Rak'a as Witr?" Ibn 'Abbas replied, "He is a Faqih (i.e. a learned man who can give religious verdicts)." Narrated Abdulla Ibn Al-Zubair: “ For Allah is the action of the son of Hind (An expression of praise, son of Hind = Muawiya (r.a.a), we used to fear him. He used to be more bold than the lion standing on his claws, so we would fear him. There is none amongst the people of the earth more wary than him, so he used to make himself gullible for us. By Allah I wished if we enjoyed his presence as long as there is rock in this mountain" and he pointed towards Mount Qubays. Abdulla Ibn Al-Mubarak was asked: Which of them is better: Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan or Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz?. He said: By Allah, the dust that has entered the nose of Muawiya with the Messenger of Allah is better than Umar one thousand times. Muawiya prayed behind the Messenger of Allah . When he said: Samia Allahu leman hamida (Allah listens to one who praises him i.e when rising from Ruku) Muawiya said: Rabana wa laka Al-Hamd (Our Lord to you is the praise). What do you want more than this?! Qatada said: If you woke up seeing deeds similar to those of Muawiya, most of you would have said this is the Mehdi. Mujahid said: If you saw Muawiya you would have said: this is the Mehdi. Al-Zuhri said: Muawiya applied the way of Umar Ibn Al-Khatab for several years, not missing anything from it The justice of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz was mentioned in the presence of Al-Amash. He said: How would it be if you met Muawiya? They said: O Abu Muhammad you mean his patience. He said no, but his justice. Al-Muafa was asked: which is better Muawiya or Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz. He said: Mauwiya was better than six hundred likes of Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz !! Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi said: Muawiya is the Uncle of Believers, the scribe of revelation , and one of the Khalifs of Muslims – May Allah be pleased with them-. Ibn Taymia said: " " Scholars have agreed that Muawiya is the best of this ummah's kings, for the four who were before him where Khulafa of Nubuwa, and he was the first of kings. His rule was that of mercy" He also said: " None of the Muslim kings was better than Muawiya, and at no time were Muslims under the reign of king better than those at his time" Ibn Katheer said: " The subjects all agreed in making baya' to him in the year 41 A.H…… He remained the sole ruler for this period until this year in which he died in, having Jihad in the land of the enemy established, the Word of Allah high, margarine coming to him from the ends of earth and Muslims with him (living) in justice , peace of mind, and forgiveness." Al-Dhahabi said in his biography: " Ameer-ul-Momineen and the king of Islam" And he said: " Muawiya is one of the best kings, with his justice surpassing his oppression" Ibn Abi Al-Izz Al-Hanafi said: " The first Muslim king is Muawiya and he is the best Muslim king" source: http://truemuslim.9.forumer.com/a/sa...h_post550.html