THE FULL INTERVIEW WITH SHAYKH KHALED ABOU EL FADL [People should read this full interview in detail and then coming to understand the context in which Shaykh El Fadl makes the statements that he does. He also makes those statements in the context of philosophical discussion not in terms of discussing creed. It is a valid and viable philosophical opinion to take about issues of morality in the context of the Islamic tradition. He was not talking about adopting the HISTORICAL EXPRESSION of Mutazilite thinking wholesale but merely talking about specific issues such as moral philosophy. Also if people have read the Shaykh's work (he has written a lot of material) then you will find he places God right at the centre of his intellectual project - God is the starting point of all intellectual enquiry because Beauty (which is the central pursuit of El Fadl's moral and ethical project) comes from God. Anyone familiar with El Fadl's moral and juristic project knows that he is concerned with discovering God's Will - yes the intellect is utilised but only in the service of discovering the Will of God, Beauty and defining our relationship with God.