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Old 07-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #40

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And yet another absurd, baseless post rife with shouting and emotion.

If Allah hadn't created mankind and the jinnaat, then there would be no evil (according to you). Allah misguides people which can lead to disbelief. So does that again not show that Allah created evil? Even in the Faatihah we read, we ask Allah to not lead us astray or to place his a'dhaab upon us because ultimately both are from Allah . You're contradicting such basic beliefs of Islam that it's mind boggling.

I've cited Qur'anic proof. Bring your proof and I will respond. Your emotional and baseless responses are just that and aren't worth replying to anymore until you bring your proof and not your angry rants.
You are too literalistic for me, brother, we are on different pages.

Look at the bold, your words, "you said if hadnt created mankind" so then you say "misguides mankind", "so there", "shows you Allah creates evil".

My premise says NO mankind, and you included MANKIND to show Allah creates evil ??

You make such bare faced falshoods to prove Allah creates all evils that are primarliy man made ? Is that the best you got ? A bare faced distortion ?

On top of distorting my point that the brothers examples were man made in the VAST VAST VAST majority of cases that he is saying "Allah gives evil"

I think its a complex, you WANT ALLAH to give everyone evil so you are self righteous and safe in your salvation. Thats my opinion of this complex.

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