Third, it fails to clearly and conclusively mention or offer ANY possible alternative vision, plan, strategy, objectives once it is in power. How can unaware people trust such a party when they don't know what they advocate and to what they strive? For many in Egypt, to be a political movement and offer NO specific long term objective sparks mistrust and suggests irresponsbility. Most people will vote pragmatically if they are NOT convinced of an idea. As a result, people will NOT trust or support such a movement. Rather than presenting an Islamic state and Shariah as a draft form and convincing people of both- even if modified to meet new demands or expectations- the MB has attempted to ride into political power through reputation. While the average voter may be insignificant to MB leadership, this criticial omission fails to win over those in the military heirarchy who might sympathize with the idea of an Islamic state following Shariah. And as Scaf has shown, IT is the power of Egypt and can and will nullify elections at will.