Political groups in Pakistan and Bangladesh
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06-30-2012, 05:31 PM
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Oct 2005
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Please understand the nature of politics. Just because one is a secularist does not make them evil.
Just because one talks of shriah does not mean they care for shariah-slogan based politics is the most dissinjenious form of politics. My relatives are good people who care a lot for wellbeing of people and are awami supporter and activist. At the same time they are god fearing. They suffered for sticking to prinicples of honesty (at the hands of their won party and by others!! I would vote for them any day over the JI!! What the likes of Bangladesh need are sincere, selfless honest people who are god fearing!! Not an ism sold to public as Islam! The latter one is oxymoron. Quality of islamic leader calls for honesty, humility!! The two words can't be in their book- get ahead by any means at the expense of Islamic teaching!
Once this JI leader (Quranist) said to my uncle why use hadith when you have Quran - usual quranist argument!!
JI has no support. People don't vote for them!! Iki on the other hand have public support and are generally liked. You can't equate the situation of ezypt and Bangladesh together.
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