Sharia in Mali
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05-05-2012, 09:15 PM
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Oct 2005
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khawarij thrive on such takfiri confrontations with Muslims. Ahlus sunnah have their own methodology for dealing with issues. Yes, the anti-Salafi Sufis love to flee when exposed for their brazen hypocrisy. Why do you the anti-Salafis Sufis hypocritically make takhween of the "Wahabis" when they are totally silent on their own treacherous leaders who also collaborated with the West. The "Wahabis" confronted the treachery of their rulers from the beginning and to this day there are dozens of Salafi shuyookh and thousands of Salafis in Saudi dungeons because they oppose the treachery and anti-Islamic actions of the Saudi gov't and hundreds of Salafi shuyookh who condemned the treachery of the Saudi gov't. How many of the same anti-Salafi Sufis who love to rant hypocritically about the "British" Wahabis spoke a single word about Sharif Hussein or the criminal Jordanian gov't which was established by the British or the "Maliki" rulers of Dubai? Why the brazen hypocrisy? They attack and use Albani's fatwa on Palestine in their anti-Salafi propaganda, yet they are silent on the
of the Sufi Jordanian gov't which led to the loss of Palestine and whose king was boasting about being the only friend of the Zionists after the fall of Mubarak.
Yea shift the goal posts. I made a general comment and no every single person. Anyone who thinks the king of UAE is a kafir is a jahil better off living in the depths of hell. Don't tell me I shift the goal posts when you slithered away from the hypocrisy of making takhween of the Salafis when you and your anti-Salafi shuyookh are totally hypocritically on this position and you ridiculed in a different thread those who make takfeer of the Arab leaders. Look how fast your ilk make takfeer of Ibn Taymiyyah, yet you were making pathetic excuses for the anti-Islamic Arab leaders and the rulers of Dubai are also stooges for the West and the British, yet you don't attack them. How many contradictions can you fit into one post?! Maliki when praying but collaboating with the kuffar in Afghanistan like the rulers of Dubai and awarding the war criminal Tommy Franks a medal is "Maliki"?! And I didn't say that they were kuffar but traitors. Why aren't you attacking the treachery of the rulers of Dubai?
Self projection much. Your takfir of Ibn Arabi is equivalent to habashis takfir of Ibn Taymiyya today. Your the tools of dajjal. Neither do you have a proper defense of the khawarij rebellion in Mali even your off topic comments are useless. So no more response from me I'm not the one who made takfeer of Ibn Arabi and yes you are obligated by the Ahbash and their favouring of the mujassimah Nusayris over Ibn Taymiyyah and I'm not here to defend the "khawarij rebellion" in Mali
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