"saving face" - the acid victims in the oscar-winning documentary were promised pay?
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06-30-2012, 06:01 AM
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"saving face" - the acid victims in the oscar-winning documentary were promised pay?
'Saving Face' was a 2011 oscar-winning documentary from pakistan by sharmeen obaid-chinoy that portrayed the plight of acid victims in pakistan.
the documentary gave negative coverage to pakistan and obaid-chinoy received plaudits from the liberals but criticism from the religious circles and/or right conservatives for
i) selective morality. many felt she should have made a documentary on a more pressing issue of victims of drone attacks in pakistan.
ii) receiving the award instead of rejecting it from none other than the enemy of Muslims : the united states of America. many felt her rejection would have brought to the fore how muslims felt about american invasion of muslim lands and buthcering innocent muslim populations. they pointed out that this was successfully done by marlon brando over the case of red indian minorities. yet obaid-chinoy went to receive the award proudly.
(warning: images of women)
now, i dont quote the secular extremist express tribune often - but it seems the author,
while defending obaid-chinoy
, has inadvertently given proof that incriminates her.
"...documentary subjects are usually not paid for their appearing in these films."
"Obaid-Chinoy says that a donor promised to buy Rukhsana a house..."
defense of obaid-chinoy on twitter is very weak:coerced by family.
some comments:
"The time has come that those who asks to audit Madrassahs to clean the mess of their own backyard and takes necessary steps to audit these Western funded NGos. One needs to know who funds them, why and how. That’s the question which needs to be addressed."
""She got an Oscar for presenting a negative image of Pakistan where as if she would have better made a documentary on
“Children died of drone attack”
she would have never won an Oscar."
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