How far will Prop 8 supporters set back gay marriage?
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12-04-2008, 11:02 PM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Naked Gents Rut
Mormons have it far worse than gay people. Gays are only suffering from the lack of a right that they've never had; the Mormons had a preexisting right to polygamy taken away by the government.
Gays have it WORSE since we do not even have rights such as equal employment protection and so forth. Mormons already have such rights.
And I've already stated my position on polygamy before. Those who actually support legalizing polygamy can have at it with you.
What's pathetic is that I don't believe you sincerely believe that polygamous relationshps should be legally recognized anyway - you're just grasping for red herrings or strawmen to further your position in denying gays and lesbians their civil rights.
And DD should stop shedding crocodile tears for the Mormons. I know how well his gives-a-sh*t functioned before on other things, so there is no reason for me to beieve he sincerely cares about the so-called "plight" of the oh-so-poor Mormons.
This fact eludes him - gays and lesbians were not out to take away or deny any civil rights to Mormons, whereas Mormons have set out to take away the civil rights of gays and lesbians. Who here really holds the higher moral ground?
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