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11-22-2008, 11:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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I will say this:
I cannot directly attribute, blindly, this inexcuseable economy to one person, GWB.
We have been contributing to this indirectly and directly for years with lavish lifestyles, minimal accountability by the very elite of the elite.
What I will say is by stating with a conviction that it is acceptable to maintain
Plausible Deniability
is to me unconscienable
Many sitting presidents have done this very thing, over and over, I do feel somewhat that GWB was sitting on top of Old Smokey when she blew, and yes, certainly did some to contribute to its increasded volatility and our certain demise. He did continually say early on, we were not in but for sure we were just outside of freakin recession
Its very bad in the construction Industry mow, at least in southeastern USA
I probably am most bothered by companies and governments allowed to continually spend our hard earned taxpayers funds and then simply walk away when failure envelopes them. Big time CEO's allowed a Golden Parachute, even though a company is bankrupt, shareholder funds depleted, but yet they get paid irreguardless......
I cant fathom exactly how that works, or perhaps should say how that can be allowed?
i reckon one thief overseeing another thrif in the good old boys club is how.......
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