Israeli Neo-Nazi? What next?
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11-24-2008, 11:45 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
What onodera said.
There's alot of confusion because the same term is used for religion, ethnicity and heritage/nationality.
Religion - someone who believes in Judaism is of Jewish faith, but many people won't say he's "Jewish"
Ethnicity - someone who is descendant from european or african/asian jewish people, and is presumed to be descended from the hebrew nation of 3000 years ago.
Heritage/Nationality - many non-religious "ethnical" jews consider themselves jews even if they are of mixed ethnicity (say, half-jewish half-somethin else,) depending on the strength judaism and jewish heritage played in their upbringing. There is generally a strong sense of shared fate among practicing and non-practicing jews, and a commitment to one another as 'a people' what ever that is.
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