Ceterum autem censeo, GM esse delendam
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11-19-2008, 11:30 PM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by DanS
1) We already have socialized medicine for those 65+. Medicare/Medicaid. Yeah?
2) It is debatable whether the car companies should be filling the health care gap between their retirement and 65. Indeed. Some are arguing that employers shouldn't be responsible for healthcare at all.
3) Foreign car companies operating in the US provide adequate health insurance and compete just fine. Detroit provides absolutely gold-plated coverage, unmatched by other businesses. Two things here:
1. The argument I've seen discusses the advantage of their Japanese operations not having healthcare costs (b/c Japan has socialized medicine). I know that that doesn't apply to US operations.
2. I know the big three have crazy healthcare costs. I'm not arguing about whether or not they're reasonable. My question was if those costs were removed from them because the government implemented socialized medicine, would that be enough to make them salvagable?
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