Ceterum autem censeo, GM esse delendam
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11-19-2008, 11:39 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Thanks for the edit, because the edited bit is what I'm really getting at.
You and I can disagree on whether or not full-blown socialized healthcare is a good idea. However, *if* we went the route of full coverage via the government - such that employers would simply cease to have a role in the healthcare system - that would go a long way toward making the US automakers competitive again*.
Since the Dems were elected in part to deal with healthcare, there's your bailout, folks. 2 birds, 1 stone.
* - unless, of course, that you believe socialized medicine will be so horrifically expensive that it will require big tax increases that will in turn supress demand for new cars. I don't think that has to be so - it seems to me we can actually save money by doing this right - but I can understand the view.
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