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06-14-2008, 05:53 AM
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Oct 2005
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The four sons
Four men were playing golf. Then one of them gets a phone call and goes to take it. The others play on.
They start talking about their grown sons and how great they are.
"My boy's in computers, and making a pretty penny. Just the other day he
literally gave away, free of charge
a top of the range computer to a favorite customer, he's so wealthy," said the first man.
His companions nodded in appreciation.
"Well my boy's an engineer, and making a pretty penny. Just the other day he
literally gave away, free of charge
a brand new race car to a favorite customer, he's so wealthy," said the second man.
More nods and smiles.
"My boy's in construction, and making a pretty penny. Just the other day he
literally gave away, free of charge
a house to a favorite customer, he's so wealthy," the third man said.
Then the fourth guy game back from his phone call. He seemed a little anxious.
"That was my son, asking for more money to fund his gay promiscuous lifestyle. I told him he should have enough to get by on his own - since his last three boyfriends
literally gave him, free of charge
, a computer, a car, and a house!"
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