A long-time lesbian couple believe in the sanctity of marriage.
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06-18-2008, 04:02 AM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Ninot
I see Ben's point, strangely enough.
It's the old argument of why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. They've been getting their milk for 50 years, so what's the big deal of getting married? If they aren't willing to respect one biblical verse, why fight to get married when marriage itself is linked to biblical ideas.
But then again, I very much understand the idea of marriage as a secular entity, and wish for it myself one day
There are hundreds of rights and privileges that automatically go with legally-recognized marriage. Gay and lesbian partners in United States have long been denied these rights and privileges.
The Bible has nothing to do with civil marriage law. In fact, granting gays and lesbians equal marriage protection under federal law will not force synagoues, churches, and mosques to marry gay and lesbian couples. They will be able to get civil marriages.
As to Benny's point about the "sanctity of marriage." Maybe I have chosen the word for part of my thread's title, but I believe that expanding the right of marriage to gays and lesbians will not destroy the sanctity of marriage, even in religious terms. There are religious leaders/individuals in different denominations who are able to reconcile religious values with accepting the idea that gays and lesbians are equally entitled to marriage recognition - those religious individuals do not necessarily see that as destruction of the "sanctity of marriage."
As to the question of whether or not this lesbian couple, other lesbian couples, and gay couples see their relationship as being worthless without equal marriage protection. No, I do not believe any of them see their relationships as being worthless. They have strong, sentimental attachment to their partner in their relationship over the years of commitment in the face of adversity and discrimination.
I cannot believe I had to seriously answer this question - Benny's question was a mockery of the feelings of lesbian and gay couples who have remained committed to their partner over the long-term in spite of the obstacles that had been imposed upon them. Just because they are fighting for equal marriage protection, does not mean they believe their relationship is worthless in the meantime. Just as interracial couples in 1950s did not believe their relationships were worthless as they fought for equal marriage protection.
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