I think I could run an airline
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04-11-2008, 10:26 PM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by snoopy369
Managerial skills involve being able to get other people to do what they are supposed to be doing, and want to do it. This assumes that you actually know what other people are supposed to be doing. I find it extremely amusing that people accept that hierarchical structures are bad when run by the government but are good when run by private companies.
If you've never been a real manager (not just managing a couple of lab techs or a small project team, but actually managing a large amonut of people in all aspects of their jobs, over a long period of time) this is self evident. Anybody who attempts to manage a large amount of people in all aspects of their jobs will fail miserably. Knowledge and experience are distributed, not concentrated in the hands of managers.
Other than me, how many other people on these boards have been an actual manager, anyway? I doubt it's very many...
Why would I attempt to accomplish something which I don't believe is truly possible? I have never been "managed" by anybody in such a way as to increase my productivity except insofar as my manager had more experience doing my job than I did OR insofar as he was there to keep alive the threat of my being fired based on easily measured traits of productivity.
Managerialism is perhaps the saddest religion of them all.
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