Benezir Bhutto Dies in Attack!
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12-27-2007, 09:16 PM
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Nov 2005
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Originally posted by lord of the mark
In fact it had a secularist, and moderately socialist agenda for some time. Yes, it was also a dynastic vehicle - so?
For all the attacks you make on the Venezualan elite, they did run a constitutional polity with multiple parties and no coups for several decades. thats the political culture Chavez walked into. Pakistan doesnt have that. Bingo. I mean we are talking about a country that has had military rule just about the same amount of time as democracy. Where the populace really doesn't see a coup as anything that alarming anymore. Now, maybe if Bhutto's father was able to remain in power, we'd have the proper groundwork for a democracy, but he wasn't and they don't.
It's a contrast to India, which also has corruption on a decent scale, but has a healthy democratic process.
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