Why are textbooks so obscenely expensive in the USA?
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12-22-2007, 11:36 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Uh, we pay tens of thousands per year for college. It's really quite obscene. Call it decadence if you want. :shrug: I'm just glad I'm finished with college. Now, if I could only get a freaking job...oh, and books are set and mandatory for most courses. Mandatory in name, at least. I've gone through courses where I didn't have to crack open the book once.
I suspect the market's still profitable because the book's already written (and sold at ludicrous American prices); they just get a tiny extra bonus printing and selling the same material locally, at Indian prices. Probably they hope that India, or portions thereof, will someday become wealthy enough to excrete money on education the way America does. They're building brand awareness, or something--I don't know economics that well.
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