The bad wikipedia articles thread
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08-26-2006, 05:34 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Here's a good one I just ran into:
It's about Gabon's president/dictator since 1967., Omar Bongo. Probably written by his cronies, and still funny.
Bolding is mine.
His men of trust
Like all presidents, Bongo has his men of trust. Native of a minority group ethnic, Bongo associates all the communities in the share of power in order to avoid confusion and civil war. But the key posts of his administration are reserved for his peers. First, the director of his cabinet is his elder daughter Pascaline Bongo Ondimba, the minister of the defence is his first son, Ali Bongo Ondimba. The minister of finance is his son-in-law, Paul Toungui…. And some others of his close friends in the key posts of his administration
in order to avoid all forms of betrayals. He is well encircled. One of the secret of his durability.
Honesty above all
Bongo in Europe and in the rest of the world
His close relation with France
In addition, beyond Africa, Omar Bongo has good relationship. Especially with France. Bongo knows that his place is due to the support of France. Since the army Bongo maintained good relationship with France. France is the first economic and social partner of Gabon. Bongo is closely friend with Jacques Chirac, the president of France. Being a colony of France, Gabon knows many resemblances in way of doing with France. That’s why 650 French soldiers are permanently took up a position near the presidency at Libreville, and more than 10 000 French residents live in Gabon. France and Gabon are partner for life with Omar Bongo. Colony of France
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