The "Michael Clayton" Movie (spoilers)
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11-13-2007, 10:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by DAVOUT
The VP did not disclosed a secret since it was discovered by an official controlling authority. He just did his job.
Often in the business we are obliged to put important informations in writing if you want the people in power to react; as long as it is not send outside, it is correct. This is not blackmail either, it is just an appropriate threat. I know. It's not the same as a memo saying "Hey, our widget causes cancer. Don't tell anybody!" The NJDEP had been testing the plant effluent and the VP was simply discussing the sample results and their obvious import.
It was a fairly damning document, though, in the context of that case, since the company never did manage to get the mercury dischange down anywhere near the levels considered to be safe/acceptable. Instead, they closed the plant and sold it to a developer, who built a warehouse or somesuch on the site. The developer knew he was buying a site that had been a producer of mercury, but Morton (then Vesicol, IIRC) didn't exactly go out of its way to explain just how contaminated the area was. The developer then proceeded to make things worse (by stirring some things up).
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