Laser vs Missile
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11-04-2007, 11:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Kuciwalker
Consider the range you'd need for a laser to possibly miss. Missiles would probably take hours to reach the target at that range.
Dude, unless you're more than several light-seconds away, they can't dodge the laser.
(They can't deliberately dodge the laser anyway - it hits as soon as they see it. They can only constantly juke around to try and foil your aim. I think it's likely that space combat would take place at very long range, light-seconds or light-minutes apart. Missiles take much longer, it's true and it's already been pointed out that they would be vulnerable to laser defenses.
Stealth missiles are one way round this, but there are others. Dummy missiles, missiles which split into multiple warheads or a cloud of flechettes, or even laser missiles, which close to a range where they can fire off a single use laser blast.
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