Aren't these guys supposed to be straight?
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09-29-2007, 11:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Pekka
Hmhh... the article doesn't go into spesifics, as in what they actually did or tried to do.
So would this be considered homosexual behavior or not can't really be figured out. Hazing is usually a ritual, rites of passage so to speak. Usually done by young males in our societies so.... it's usually just fooling around and there's no fun unless it includes some kind of power forced upon a person who has to do something that others find hilarious. Usually something embarrasing.
These often take some weird sexual twists though. Forcing someone down and "try to sexually assault" them, what the hell is that all about? I think it has something to do with the fact they tried to put their willy in their bottom
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