Troops Out! Finally.
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08-03-2007, 02:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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I can't speak for people in N.Ireland but it would be surprising if in the short to medium term the resistance to union with Ireland on the part of the N.Ireland protestants lessened.
Meanwhile the attitude in the rest of the UK is indifference save that I doubt that any union would be agreed if that was something clearly opposed by the N.Irish protestants.
I understand that demographically catholics are heading towards becoming a majority in N.Ireland but I doubt that will change anything.
In the longer term it it appears that desire for a measure of (peacefully achieved) regional autonomy (the Basques or Catalans or Scottish for example) grows within the European Union rather than diminishing which suggests that N.Ireland may finish up retaining a regional autonomy but from London as well as from Dublin. If that is something the N.Irish catholics come to want it will be rather ironic.
I don't know what the attitude of Ireland is. They are, I think, too busy trying to catch their infrastructure up to the boom in agriculture, house building and immigration which their recently acquired prosperity brought with it, to worry about such matters.
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