Al-Qaeda has Taken Over Iraq!
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07-02-2007, 05:59 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
The fact, Drake, that
Sunnis have temporarily accepted our aid does not mean that we have a truce with "the Sunnis," vague or otherwise. AQI is a
organization. Since the invasion, the number of estimated insurgents has grown from 5,000 to 70,000. AQI, on the other hand, has never been estimated to be more than a few hundred foreign fighters.
As for the "Iranian" backed militants, the Shia's we're fighting are Sadr's people. The Iranian back militia is the Badr Brigade, whom we are not fighting.
Every Sunni we kill is automatically drafted into AQI by the U.S. Every Sadrist we kill is automatically funded by Iran, by U.S. government definition.
The fact that military in Iraq denies that Iran is supplying the insurgency against the U.S. is more telling than the lapdogs of the Administration wailing that they are.
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