spirit makes dizzy
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01-27-2012, 12:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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spirit makes dizzy
I got dizzy yesterday out and I was trying to find the cause. I do get dizziness due to my adrenal exhaustion. This was a little different. So I was asking what was going on. It popped into my head to ask if a spirit was trying to get my attention. I got "Yes." Then the dizziness left me once I acknowledged who it was. It was someone I know/knew, not a guide or angel. I couldn't do anymore because I had some place to be.
No, I did not ground myself before it happened. (Shame on me!)
Can anyone help make sense of this? What is going on with me that a spirit wanted to get my attention? As far as I know this has never happened to me before. Will I be dizzy when it happens until I heal my adrenal/nervous system exhaustion, extra grounding required? What do I do with a spirit when they want my attention? I can only "connect" for a brief time.
This is confusing because I don't feel I am well-developed enough to label myself a "psychic", eventhough I do know we all have the ability. Anyone else I'd say this do in my everyday life would think I'm a nut.
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