Will this never end?
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12-29-2011, 05:12 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Wow thanks for all the responses guys. Yes I've always had this fear since i came onto SB; to be truthful it's what led me jere, so I could find something to comfort me about my fears. Some days the anxiety is better or
even gone, but it's always returned.
For readings, I don't have my own bank account to pay, and I don't feel comfortable asking my parents to pay for something they don't believe in. I don't know of any service that is free.
Maybe I'll try dr. Phil, thanks for the suggestion. But again, who can 'cure' me of fear of something that is inevitable other than myself, at the end of the day?
My fear does prevent me of going out on a more subtle subconscious level, but although I do know that accidents can happen to any of us at any moment, I'm relatively safe from panic attacks from the things that could possibly kill us. It's just the eventual thing that will happen for sure that makes me so scared.
Sorry I couldn't reply these directly To your replies, I'm on my phone and it really is a pain typing all this out :P
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