I'm not sure what you mean. Mary O is a disgrace to our profession. Don't start me on her. You mean you get information that flows to you about people? That's not "reading" them, that's called psychic intuition. Reading someone is telling them events, giving them future predictions, it can even be connecting to spirits for them. To read a partner of someone is prying into them. Seeing if he/she is cheating, tapping in to feel if they are in love with the questioner.. that is prying. If you simply are near someone and get feelings and information, that's normal and it helps to keep us safe or helps to connect us for reasons we may not know. Can you block a reader? oh my yes! Just ask your guides to stop allowing your energy to be read. I'm often told that I'm very difficult to read. I put up shields and boundaries that the spirit world abides by.