Spiritual IQ test
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03-15-2008, 03:08 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Is it better to a) be hated or b) be embarrassed?
These are two different things, to be hated gives the opportunity to be forgiving. To be embarrassed means my pride has taken a hit and a good dose of humility is called for.
Does one grow more from a) a fall or b) recovery from a fall? Recovery. If you stay down, you're out.
Is one more oneself when a) alone or b) in a group? Alone...and without music or television blaring to keep you from having to be surrounded by your own thoughts.
Is truth more readily a) seen or b) heard? Depends. We often see things that people want us to see and hear what they want us to hear. To get a true picture of someone we should see/hear them from the privacy of a closet when they are on day three of a family visit somewhere in the vicinity of a major holiday. This is related to the immediately preceding question.
Then there is the Truth of God and in whom do we see it--only in Christ himself. The remainder of us are, at best, only a dim reflection.
Is forgiveness a) an end or b) a beginning? The beginning.
Is it more important a) to forgive or b) to be forgiven? Again, it depends on perspective. To forgive means that you will be forgiven your sins. To be forgiven means the one who has wronged you gains the opportunity to be forgiven his. If your goal is your own salvation, then the first. If your goal is the salvation of others, then the latter. However, if in desiring the salvation of others above your own you win Paradise, then the latter, again.
Is it of more profit a) to be mocked or b) to be ignored? Well, if in mocking we share the suffering of Christ, it is a blessing. To be ignored nails our pride to the cross and may help us grow--also a blessing. It depends upon our individual spiritual needs.
Just my poor thoughts.
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