Is it okay to make jokes?
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11-24-2011, 10:16 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I think (not to be a wet blanket, because I actually love to laugh as often as I can daily) that we just need to remember the difference between a joke and what the Holy Apostle St. Paul calls "coarse jesting". Just as in any kind of conversation, there are topics, tones and environments that are acceptable and those that are not. One instance that has stayed with me involved the nephew of a woman who had passed away. This woman's daughter and son-in-law are very dear friends of mine, as close or closer than some family. This nephew made a VERY inappropriate play on the family's last name (which was not only crude and vulgar, but decidedly unfunny). This was several years ago, and while I have forgiven both his lack of tact and his continual insistence upon same, I can still recall vividly how ready I was to throw him, bodily, out of the building we were in. Thankfully, since maybe only one other person heard what he said besides me, I was able to let it slide after a few moments.
Humor is a gift from God, but then again, so are the fruits of the Spirit, which bring about in our souls a love for our neighbor that never seeks scandal or impropriety.
On a sort-of-related note, I have worked as a clown in the past (and still do from time to time), and I have promised myself never to resort to 'humor', so-called, that belittles or embarrasses anyone. Fun and humor that can be constructive, instructive and a means of bonding with others is always to be commended. Anything that separates or calls attention to differences or deficiencies is to be avoided, IMHO.
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