On elemental energies
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09-20-2011, 07:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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This is the reason that I don't go to my clergy about my condition. But how are we to know that this is not an enslavement to the created world of man, but rather a freedom to experience the unseen world of God? Are we not suppose to find peace, beauty and strength in nature? And if it is recognized that nature and all things created by God have a vibration and energy of its own then isn't it better to be able to feel those energies and vibrations rather than the negative energies created by man? And is it possible that you all feel them but are just not aware of it as I am?
I should also mention that I worked in nuclear power plants for nearly 9 years as an engineer. There is one neurologist who suspects that maybe working in high energy fields (not necessarily radiation exposure) may have altered my natural energy state. Even if that is the case, why could this not be seen as a healing and not something bad?
I have a greater appreciation and love for all that God created because of my condition, and I realize now that I could not exist normally in an environment without the things that God created before he created man. It is the enerrgies that man created that are interupting my system (electromagnetic energy).
I am not trying to rationalize, I just know that my energy is not confined to my body, and without it I would be in a wheelchair. What can be bad about a supernatural way that the body works?
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