On elemental energies
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09-20-2011, 11:12 PM
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Oct 2005
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This is an Orthodox forum with an emphasis on the historic teachings of the Fathers of the Church and the traditions of Monasticism. Father David is giving you the benefit of that wisdom and of course you are free to accept or reject it. But be advised, there is a spiritual condition, referred to as "prelest" by the Orthodox, where an individual feels that they know better than the time-tested wisdom of the Church. Things do not end up well for such people.
If everything is working out for you and you feel this is a gift, then what is the question, really? As for myself, I can only echo the advice of the Holy Apostle Paul, to "test all things", and of the Desert Father who advised his disciples that "if you see your brother in prayer carried aloft as if by angels, grab his ankle and pull him back down, those 'angels' might be demons in disguise."
Beyond that, I am not familiar with any recognized spiritual Father (or Mother) of the Church who describes what you have written and therefore we are going to be rather suspicious of it here in this place, just so you know.
Herman the Pooh
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