Anyone ever buy a vehicle back from the insurance co?
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09-01-2012, 02:48 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
First off, Im glad your ok. Thats what important.
About 10 yrs ago or so i was T-boned in my 93' Mustang. After haggling with the insurance company, i got paid for the car. Since i had so much done to the car, i simply asked them to buy it back. They told me they would for $500. I had the car towed to my house after the wreck, so the insurance company really never had to handle the car. For them it was better to collect another $500, than have to deal with scrapping a car.
I then went out and found an 89' Mustang, and transplanted everything into the new car. I mean EVERYTHING. I had ended up with an 89' Mustang that had 93' interior, newer wiring which had airbags/cruise control, power windows, etc.
If you are mechanically inclined and you like the Rubicons, figure out what 'generations' are similar and start looking for a donor jeep. If you have the ability to set the 2 jeeps right next to each other, it really isnt hard to swap everything over. If you have no mechanical experience, this might be a job for somebody who is experienced.
......My .02.
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