What percentage of braying car alarms are actually caused by cars being stolen?
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05-22-2007, 07:23 PM
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Oct 2005
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There's a car right outside my apartment that has that problem. It's in the carport next to mine. One time it went off when I got in my car & slammed the door.
There was one night this winter when it was bitter cold, it went off 7 times.
Fortunately, I'm a night owl, so I was up, as opposed to being asleep and woken up time & time again. I can't believe the owner was so insensitive to keep resetting the damn thing.
More recently, when it went off multiple times, some mom left a big note to get it fixed, it keeps waking her & her child up. If not she was going to (I couldn't read it all from my window). Since then, I haven't heard it, so hopefully the owner got it fixed.
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