What percentage of braying car alarms are actually caused by cars being stolen?
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05-23-2007, 12:03 AM
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Oct 2005
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The HLDI which is insurance company funded (and thus can be expected to be reasonably unbiased, as the insurers have an incentive to figure out the right answer to this and thus support or not support alarm-related premium adjustments) found that there was no significant effect on theft of car alarms.
What I have seen in looking briefly is that the major things are LoJack (which is not an effective deterrent, but significantly reduces theft in the whole area due to criminals being less likely to steal cars in an area with a lot of LoJacks, and presumably due to criminals being caught more often), steering wheel immobilizers, and such. Clubs don't deter crime, but they do deter YOUR car from being stolen, which is the selfish but reasonable point of view
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