Lebanese and Israeli armies clash
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02-08-2007, 05:20 PM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Lorizael
I have a semi-serious point. These constant skirmishes and border conflicts and raids, punctuated by the occasional full-blown war, are a sign that the area is simply not ready for peace. It is, in fact, nowhere close to peace, nor is it moving in the direction of peace.
Things aren't better when only a few people are dying per day. Things aren't even better when no one happens to get hurt in the latest stupid gunfight.
Something major needs to happen in the area before any kind of lasting peace can be achieved. The destruction of every political body in the Middle East - while it would not bring about peace, not at all - would be a nice start to something new. when i was last in Israel, you could walk around Tel Aviv at night more assured of safety than you could walk around Chicago or New York. Do you suggest destroying Chicago and New York?
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