Pity The Poor Congressfolk Who Cannot Get A Pay Raise
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01-31-2007, 01:40 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Everybody thinks that Congressfolks have it easy and are overpaid, but you have to remember that they're often on call for many hours of the day (floor and committee votes occuring often after midnight), have to digest voluminous amounts of information, make important decisions on public policy while maintaining accessibility to the folks back in the district and keeping a family. I have yet to meet a member who is just 9 to 5. I've seen them coming and going from roundtables, fundraisers, think tanks and the capitol at all hours of the day and night.
And they pay? Anyone tried maintaining a family over a huge distance? Imagine you're a representative from California or Washington. You have to maintain a house in the district (and a mortage) and an apartment in Washington, D.C., Maryland or Virginia ($900 - $1500 a month at the bare minimum in one of the most expensive areas in the US) while paying your family's bills, saving for you kids college, paying your own bills and occasionally flying them to DC so that you can spend at least a few hours a week with them. Like it or not, the pay is commisurate with the time and effort involved with being a member of Congress.
The people who ***** about this usually don't know how hard most members work.
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