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01-24-2007, 01:30 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Originally posted by aneeshm
For religion geeks, this level of knowledge is par for the course .
And in families such as mine, this level of knowledge of your own religion is almost expected. ISTR your family has a priestly tradition.
In any case, I never got to discuss religion IRL with someone who had such precise knowledge, and who could back everything with a quote. And even when we discuss religion on Poly, such quote-mongering is unusual; this guy is so much about quoting that he sounds like a scientist or a lawyer.
The uncomfortable part is where ALL believers are better than ALL non-believers simply because they are believers. He is a
. And a highly educated one at that. His opinions seem to be entirely based on the book. And Islam has been construed as a universal religion.
In other words: duh.
There's a reason why fundies are dangerous people.
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