Movie Cliches
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01-24-2007, 01:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Sprayber
* All beds have a special L-shaped top sheet, which reaches up to armpit level on women but only to waist level on men.
* No-one ever needs a kleenex after sex.
* If you're a woman in a film and have just finished a steamy lovemaking session, make sure to lay back and pull the sheets up to your neck, just like in real life.
* All women moan during sex, but none sweat.
* Women (and men less often) either make love with their underclothes on or have put them back on in the immediate aftermath.
* Two total strangers, upon falling into bed together, will always reach an incredibly intense, mutual, and SIMULTANEOUS orgasm on the first try.
It always bothered me in TV shows and even movies when the woman got up to go do something and tried to cover up. The just ****ed you and now your being modest? Although there are some women who insist on sex in the dark. why would one need a kleenex after sex?
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