Texas lawmakers struck hard at illegal immigrants Monday
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11-16-2006, 03:49 AM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Whoha
the 14th says that they must be born in the US, and be subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Should be an interesting court battle. Right, therefore they're citizens unless you change or ignore the 14th ammendment. It's not a very ambiguously-worded ammendment.
Because of this ammendment you get bunches of pregnant Koreans coming over to have their kids in the states so that they can get American passports and avoid the Korean draft. A bit of a silly situation but you can't just ignore the constitution because it doesn't do what you want.
Right now illegal immigration is the best of all possible worlds for business. They get cheap workers who are easy to replace and easier to intimidate. Either amnesty or serious prosecution of the businesses that hire illegal immigrants (by far a better way of going about solving the problem since large businesses can't hide and have so much more to lose) would be vastly better than the joke of a policy we have now.
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