Stamp Duty : £9,000. Guvmints are evil. FACT.
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11-16-2006, 07:56 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Originally posted by MOBIUS
You mark my words, Cardiff is going to be well and truly on the map in the next few years!
As for suburban, I doubt being within about 200-300 yards of the Millennium Stadium is suburban by anyone's standard... Not sure about the UK but in the US, until very recently (last ten years or so), virtually every stadium was built in the suburbs because the land was cheaper. That meant it was cheaper for the city to buy the land and they could have more room for car parks. Only recently has the trend reversed as officials have figured out that blighted urban areas can be redeveloped into booming urban areas based upon building sports venues in the downtown area. Those venues attract lots of people into the downtown area so restaurants, bars, shops, parking garages and other commercial ventures all pop up to sell goods and services to the crowds. People see that old areas have been given new economic life and that cheap housing can be found in that area so in short order you have gentrification and urban renewal.
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