... and how conspiracy theorists shot themselves in the foot
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11-12-2006, 09:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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... and how conspiracy theorists shot themselves in the foot
Originally posted by Pekka
So how do they shoot themselves in the foot? Well, some make good points, however, one good point comes with 9 extremely insane points, which kinds of destroys the one good point. So they effectively destroy their own theories, or parts of them which might be even valid. So they appear insane and they basically enforce the 'there are no conspiracies' side with their insanity. Who would take them seriously? I know I don't. But if you get that one good point, you put a stamp on your forehead that says 'conspiracy theorist nut'. So they really do the opposite service. Well, a good deal of these cats claim the 9 you speak of are actually government/UN/illuminati/NWO/Freemason/S&B/j00/whathaveyou agents deliberately disseminating ridiculous theories so as to discredit the community as a whole.
(Not my personal belief, just thought I'd throw in their usual response to your point.)
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