Please cirtique my writing
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11-11-2006, 05:56 PM
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Nov 2005
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But you did explicitly blame outsiders. The British and Islam.
Let us start with the first. Why did the life-force leave the institutions created with great care by our ancestors? The answer is not easy to find in today's intellectual climate, though it is obvious from a simple and unbiased perusal of Indian history. For the last thousand years, India has been under the rule of imperialists bent on wiping out India itself. When I say 'wiping out India', I refer to the attempt made by the Islamic invaders and the British to completely destroy the culture and prosperity of India, respectively. Here you blame Indias poverty specifically on the British:
The British succeeded completely, the Islamic invaders partially. If you want to see the success of the British, witness how impoverished not just India, but also Greater India is today. You're best and most hard-hitting proof of this is a complete non-sequitor:
The best and hardest-hitting example of British success I can give is that I am writing this essay in English, and that an English-language education is a necessity for succeeding in India today. If this was the case, most of Europe should be impoverished by the British. China and Russia should also blame the British following your line of reasoning.
Let's look at the checklist:
1. Ethnic scapegoats - check
2. Western scapegoats, especially relating to economy - check
3. Exaggerated 'glorious' history - check
4. Subtle hints at racial superiority - check
5. Need for expansion of borders - check
Good luck creating an India for Indians.
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