New York Times: Traitors to the Republic
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08-15-2006, 06:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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Originally posted by Toby Rowe
In times like these, who cares if our nation state wants to monitor people, If the British Government announced they will monitor individuals at random, I won't complain right now.
If they wish to continue once a threat has gone, then I will. During the last war our freedoms were severely curtailed and we had to suffer an identity card system, this time we have an local problem in the UK with disloyal British Muslims.
This might never get solved as they are here to stay, so must measures to counter them therefore as they they don't wish to leave the liberal nation that allows them to forment the hatred they have to the host nation of their families.
Why are we so stupid?
"Those who would give a little liberty to gain a little security will recieve neither, and lose both." -Ben Franklin
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