I am afraid of windows, please answer fast (I need to go to bed)
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09-13-2006, 01:56 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Linux is more than a free replacement for Windows... but that is certainly one option. Unfortunately you can't play games like Civ on Linux
I suggest
if you want to go down this path.
The other route would be to delete the file: "c:\windows\system\wgatray.dll" (or was it "c:\windows\system32\wgatray.dll"?)
This may or may not work, but once you do it, you shouldn't be bugged for WGA updates again (only normal updates). However, it would be a good idea for you to check each time it updates and untick the box for anything to do with WGA. This'll make sure it'll never pester you again.
Finally you could as has already been suggested shell out several hundred $/£ (or equivelant) to get a pucker copy. Although it's cheaper to just phone up tech support (or do it online) and claim "I've been stung"... you get a fully valid code to use for about 1/5th (maybe less) of the price of a normal copy. Plus they send you a new disk should you need to re-install later.
My personall preference would be a combination of the first two... Linux for day-to-day stuff and Windows for games. Although Wine (Windows emulator for Linux) is getting pretty good. Plus there's always something like VMWare or stuff like that.
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