"The End of Faith" (er, Agathon?)
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09-02-2006, 05:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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The problem with PoMo, is that for them, everything is reduced to language. Since everything we perceive in the world is mediated through our understanding of language, there is no reality other than language. We can never hope to gain an understanding of objective reality, only our own subjective realities. This is the source of "politically correct" speech. Change the language and we'll abolish oppression. Well, we see how well that worked out. Heck, anyone who'd ever worked with the retarded could have seen how that worked out, since no matter what euphamism social workers ever used, it quickly became an insult.
Basically, PoMo inverts the world on its head. Sadly for me, many PoMos consider themselves Marxists, to much chagrin amongst us real Marxists. Interestingly, it was a Marxist, George Novak, who first wrote a rather trenchant rebuttal to PoMo before it even emerged, when he took a trend in Western Marxism to its logical conclusion to show how absurd it was.
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