oh, so close...but no OBE cigar!
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02-09-2012, 04:49 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Harry. I already gave you some advice in the 'Welcome' thread, but I'll outline it this time:
1-I suppose you're doing relaxation and such exercises.
2-Then you're moving to trance practice, the object being to relax your mind and get yourself in a very light trance, close to sleep, but not quite.
3-Add energy body loosening to your routine, if you're not using it already. If you're not, we have some listed in the OBE R &D subforum. When you start to get some more definite signs of MABA, then
4-Do an exit technique. You mentioned ROPE, there is also roll side to side, waterski, Robert has a few listed, and we have too in the OBE R &D forum.
Very Important: If you feel you have failed, do not roll over and go to sleep. Get up and walk around.
There are various reasons for this, but basically it's about training.
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