Asking guides for help.
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05-16-2012, 03:27 PM
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Oct 2005
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Asking guides for help.
Sometimes I will ask my guides for help. I guess you can say I get in a prayer like position... Not all the time. Usually I just lay down and speak aloud for their guidance. I will lay there and ask if they could help me get out of body, or have more clarity during my OBE's. I thank them... because I know they help me as well. One night I asked and I become lucid during the night and my astral leg was pulled and I was out for about five seconds, but then was sucked back in my body.
I really wish I could meet my guides. I bet I already have and I just haven't realized it. Maybe in a dream? I ask them, or it, (I don't know) if I could speak with them during my OBE's. Alot of my OBE's or AP's I have had I have asked for them, or if they are around and I get nothing. It's always usually just me. Are they doing this for a reason? I did have an entity sit on my bed one night when I was in sleep paralysis and he was looking right at me. Was this a guide? I have not a clue. I am trying to seek answers but it's difficult.
I ask guides for assistance quite often... I tell them I realize I have to put effort on my part as well. Some nights when I do this strange things happen. Other nights nothing. (That I can recall at least.)
Is there any good ways I can ask my guides for help? I don't Pray to them... I just lay down before bed and out loud talk to them. One time I wrote a note... hoping maybe they would read it while I was sleeping or something.
I am in a point in my life where I am trying to find answers and really want to meet my guides.
So I came here to ask if any of you had any advice on how to do so.
Like I said, it seems everytime I am out of body I call to my guides and I get nothing. I wonder why this is?
I once read that guides are there to help and to use their help as often as you want to. (I always thought to myself I didn't want to annoy them.
Do I even have any guides? If not... Then that night I asked if I could be pulled out of body or assisted if I tried on my part... and it happened... what was that? Something most definitely yanked me out of my body with alot of force.
You know I look at times, numbers, etc and I always see 11:11. I don't know if that is my guides reminding me of things... Or helping me... but I am usually really lost in the astral and it would mean so much to me if my guide (s) could show me the ropes. I am just quite not sure how to go about it...
Thanks folks. I hope everyone is well. Happy travels.
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