Asking guides for help.
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05-18-2012, 06:27 PM
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Dec 2005
Senior Member
Guides come when you need them. Your method of lying down and calling them loud or in your thoughts or even wrriting it down is all good. I do these things too.
And no, I don't think you don't have to 'kneel down and pray' as some religiously inclined people seem to feel compelled to do. There's no humbleness necessary if you ask me. Of course you respect them as they respect you. Maybe it is even (some kind of) love, at leasts it's a fond and intimate work relationship. Imo, praying and "just" asking guides for help by 'talking' to them might be almost the same anyway.
I have met some helpers (as I call them) in person and one even told me her name a while ago. One was a monk with blue skin, funny looking, but I like funny things happening in my lucidventures, so maybe my guides 'comply' to that.
Many of them help me out when I stretch out my astral hand to exit my body. Over time, I even discovered a mix between their invisibility and visibilty. I called it (by comparison) the 'predator combat mode'. They showed to me in a kind of blurry way, not really visible but still you could see 'the air' (quote from my log because there I described it better:
"A kind of blurry distortion of the air/visuals of that room. Do you remember the Predator Movies? What I saw, was a shape (but mostly the hands!) like this combat invisible mode that these creatures used when hunting. You can still guess a shape when it moves by distortions of the visual surroundings."
I assume this to be attributable to their operating on a higher vibratory level, but still I am slowly adapting to this level and so I sometimes see them. When I see them completely our levels match temporatily, either because they 'down-sized' their vibration rate somehow for me or I managed to raise my vibration temporarily. The blurry outlines is thus the result of a mixed situation with me being still on the lower level but being able to 'perceive' slightly the helper on their higher level.
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