SoulSail's 2nd outing. Lower plane experience with lingering questions.
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12-31-2011, 06:08 AM
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SoulSail's 2nd outing. Lower plane experience with lingering questions.
I had my second projection last weekend. I've copied from my journal and a few questions follow at the end.
"I slipped downstairs. I wore my sleep mask, used earplugs, and listened to new binaural tunes for about thirty minutes. I drifted in and out, but ultimately the music was keeping me stimulated and I apparently drank a gallon of water before hand. I got up and when I came back from the bathroom the whole thing happened within minutes, I think. Always hard to tell when you’re half-conscious. I laid on my back, counting out “One, I am dreaming. Two, I am dreaming,” and so on until I felt I had programmed the idea that I wanted to be lucid and aware no matter what came next.
Shortly into my counting I experienced a sensation of falling, or dropping immediately into a trance state. The drop was sudden and deep, almost jarring, but I kept my composure and went with the experience.
Soon I sensed I was moving at an incredible speed, head first through some unknown blackness. My eyes were closed. I enjoyed this feeling. The sensation of being shuttled off to some unknown destination seemed natural, and I had just read about it in LaBerge’s paper on Lucid Dreaming so I knew I was on my way to something.
The movement seemed to stop, slow, and start again. Not sure why. But at some point I did a brow chakra trigger and an immense sense of energy pulled me under. I don’t exactly recall what happened, but I know I treated the remainder of the experience as a projection.
I remember getting out of the bed, and then running across the basement to get outside, beyond my body. I thought I was projecting, I still don’t know if it was that or a WILD.
Once outside my house, I was disturbed by my surroundings. The sky was dark (day outside), rust colored yet somehow also a very muddy blue. An unseen man’s voice was speaking, as if from the sky. I never saw him. At first I ignored the talking as if it were natural to hear something of the sort. I looked up to the sky a few times, asked for clarity and almost screamed out for the sky to brighten. The darkness continued. Then I remember looking up at the back of our house and noticing how it all looked so sinister and cast in grim tones from the overcast sky. At this point the voice speaking (a man’s voice) accelerated. He seemed to be proclaiming something about goblins, giving a story in a sort of rhyme. I remember the overall feel was that he was telling me I'd landed in the domain of a goblin king.
I grew more disturbed and instead of keeping my head, I said “I am back in my body!” This did nothing, so I remember opening the back door, closing it, walking upside my body, and then waking."
So I'm left with questions as to why I was so fortunate to hit a lower plane on my 2nd attempt. I understand that this isn't totally unusual. Lower planes are easier to hit at the start so we can deal with our fears and clutter preventing us from getting to higher planes. But still, this sort of sucked. At least from the perspective of it being only my second projection. Any insight would be great.
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